Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ron F

My first memory was "reading" a Huckleberry Hound cartoon on the couch at home and falling asleep.

Anum S

I was around 5 and distinctly remember looking in the mirror, wondering how or why this particular face and body was attached to me, instead of all the other possibilities that could have been. Was this particular face and body the right one for me - maybe it demonstrated to the world who I really was when they couldn't hear my thoughts?

Sarah H

I was 4 years old and exploring our vegetable garden with my mom when we found a mouse. Maybe one of the cats had killed it or maybe it was just its time to die. It was dead, I was curious, and I asked my mom if we could cut it open.

Sonia L

In Romania, when I was maybe 3, being outside my grandmother's apartment, with another kid, and a table plate (I don't know how it got there). I remember being really fascinated by the design on the plate.

Nadeem L

I was about 4 years old. Being outside in our townhouse complex, I was called to play with two other boys. I feel like it was my first time outside the townhouse with two other people, but it's also my first memory, so who knows? They led me to see something 'neat' in the garbage dumpster. Once I had climbed high enough to see wha...t they were looking at, they each grabbed one of my legs, and threw me in the dumpster, closing it. I don't know how long I was in there. My sister Salima heard my cries, and opened up the top door and pulled me out. This earliest memory of mine was the first of many more encounters with bigots in my life.

Dustin B

Burning both of my hands on the kerosene heater in the rickety old house we used to live in.

Stephen V

I was standing in the bathroom at my old house talking to my mom about how it wasn't 1987 anymore, and that now it was 1988.