Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Anetti T

My mum and I walked past the giant Gründerzeit house, she was born in, in Duisburg, Germany, were my gandma also lived, past the graveyard. I was walking on her hand. Then she said to me that my grandmother, her mother, died in the hospital. I was silent. I remember that I felt like I was supposed to cry. So I did. Best I could.
I was two years old. I had no idea, what 'dead' means, naturally. But my mom was sad and I could sense that.

But I remember an even earlier memory than this one:

It must have been a few weeks before. I was walking with my grandma and her sister and my mother through a shopping street in Hamborn. I remember the stones on the ground, they were octagonal black and white giant stones. The sun was shining and I saw a little pink rubber rabbit rid...ing a skate board on my eye height on one of those turning stands. It had long slinky arms and legs that could be positioned because they had wires inside and I wanted to have it. Very persistently. My mother was annoyed but my gandma bought the rabbit for me. I remember het face smiling and the huge long dress that she was wearing. This is the only memory I have of her. I was told that she gave me candy at the last time we visited her before she died from breast cancer, but I don't remember that. I loved the rabbit dearly and twisted its wire legs and neck until it fell into pieces years later and disappeared.

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